About Me

Entrepreneur | Digital strategist
With over 20 years of experience

Erik Bakermans

Good things come to those who wait...

The next level of interaction

As AI (Artificial Intelligence) takes on the primary role of interacting with both your customers and employees, it must be considered a core competency demanding of Management level investment and strategy for your company. Much more than just another technology tool to help increase efficiency or generate value, AI is no longer about how your company does things – it’s who you are.

It’s my personal drive to manage a successful transformation of your organization.

Customer centric approach

Blending new areas of involvement within brands, as well as constantly evolving technologies and platforms with which to engage with consumers, has meant an increasing amount of complexity in defining the role and necessary skills. Marketers and Sales need to consider in delivering a differentiated and personalised experience is to think beyond the scope of customer channels and instead think in terms of ‘environments’.


Techniques of brainstorming have a very wide spectrum and can cover almost any new business plan or social issue that needs a whole lot of solutions. Your issue or situation can be quite basic, or it can be quite complex, but our list given below will cover almost anything you throw at it.


Over the past 20 years, product life cycles have gotten shorter and shorter–in large part due to faster technological breakthroughs. To keep pace with this environment of rapid change, companies must establish a creative culture that strongly encourages spending time on new ideas, concepts, and solutions. Creative ideas, concepts, and solutions are turned into products and services through the product design and development process.


Find those people that are interested in your product and or service, brand advocates if you can and inform them of the "coming soon" information or even leaked videos or photos. This will build sizzle and interest. Not to mention everyone likes to feel like they are the "first to know."

Creativity & Skills I Have.

I want to have a life that includes constant learning and improvement for myself, but that also creates an atmosphere of pleasurable learning, work and improvement for others.

To be an inspirator and motivator for people either clients and colleagues. Transforming business to a customer centric level.

INNOVATION & marketing

Recent Projects.

Get In Touch.

© 2023

E. Erik@erikbakermans.nl
A. Maasdijk 3 | 6624 KN | Heerewaarden